Create A Happy Divorce

Create A Happy Divorce

with Pat Barone, MCC

Pat has been helping clients in collaborative divorce since 2005.


Move Consciously through the Uncoupling Process

Open to New Opportunities

Deepen into Greater Self-Knowledge and Awareness


Ending relationships can bring complex emotions like regret, shame and disappointment… or it can bring release, self-growth and the motivation to create a better life.

In our culture, other people’s opinions and judgment often loom large, but you are the only person who can know why a relationship is not working and decide whether to label it a “failure” or a stepping stone in your own personal life journey.

Remember and reclaim your own goals and values.  Never behave in ways you will later regret.

The majority of divorces bring widespread acrimony and find partners who once loved each other systematically destroying every aspect of their relationship, instead of honoring the parts of the union that still work.  This is especially important if you have children.

With the positivity of coaching, you can create a different kind of divorce:  a conscious ending to a relationship that did not serve you or your partner, and the freedom to move ahead without guilt, fear or lack of trust.

  • Work towards a Happy Divorce together, or separately.
  • Own your self, your values and your needs.
  • Grow respect for your ex-partner and yourself.
  • Create boundaries that help forge a powerful alliance to go through the divorce process together.
  • Find and reconnect to the original respect your relationship possessed, even if your intimate partnership isn’t working.
  • Let go with love, logic and good intentions.


Read a Blog Post on Happy Divorce!

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Contact info:
Pat Barone, CPCC, BCC, MCC
Catalyst Coaching LLC
patbarone (use @ sign)