9 Tips to Go Beyond Temporary Weight Loss

9 Critical Tips Revealed to Go Beyond Temporary Weight Loss!
Permanent Weight Loss is defined by the medical community as weight loss sustained five years and longer. After that period of time, it becomes much easier to maintain a new, healthier weight.
There is only one way, in my opinion, weight loss doesn’t stick around: we tend to lose weight shallowly, on the surface only. In order to keep weight loss and make it permanent, weight loss needs to happen deep inside of us, transforming not just our bodies, but the way we look at, use and misuse food.
Here are 9 important tips to ROCK your weight loss. If you make the effort, you should KEEP the results!
So, be sure to download my ebook above to ROCK Your Weight Loss Into the Permanent Zone!
Pat Barone, MCC
America’s Weight Loss Catalyst
About Pat Barone
Pat Barone, “America’s Weight Loss Catalyst”, is an internationally accredited Master Certified Coach and Board Certified Coach who works with clients to radically change their relationship to food, their bodies and their lives. She’s an inspiring speaker, author and coach who built her successful coaching business, Catalyst Coaching® LLC by helping her clients con- front limiting beliefs, learn new levels of self-care and know true nourishment.
Her well-researched educational products, from e-based downloadable classes to teleseminars to e-books, have positively impacted thousands of people and her enLIGHTen Your Life!TM program is based on a multilevel approach to one of the most complicated subjects human beings face: excess weight.
Pat’s education alone (certifications in personal training, nutrition, coaching and soul aware- ness energy healing) is formidable, but it is her personal experience that makes her unique. After years of struggle, Pat lost over 90+ lbs. and has sustained her weight loss since the year 2000. The medical professional defines permanent weight loss as weight loss sustained for 5 years and more.
She is featured as NBC15’s on-air life coach in Madison, WI.