Coaching Addiction

Become the Consummate Warrior Coach:
*Fearless in the Face of Challenge
*Undaunted by Difficult
Behavior Patterns
*Focused on Healing for your Clients
Develop the Skills to Coach Addiction
Coach Training to Advance and Deepen Your Skills
with America’s Weight Loss Catalyst, Pat Barone, MCC
Don’t miss this new opportunity to deepen your skills as a coach,
help more people, and expand your coaching practice!
In our fast-paced, information-overloaded society, addiction is more prevalent than ever!
Addictive behavior affects many coaching clients:
Your clients may even be addicted to behaviors:
Need for acceptance
Yearning for “love”
This program will help you:
- Identify and raise awareness around addiction and addictive behaviors.
- Feel comfortable with subjects that are often intimate, revealing and hidden.
- Serve your client in a way that empowers both coach and client.
- Help clients get “unstuck” from destructive patterns and habits.
- Gain the confidence that will help you speak with clarity and purpose.
- Deliver more value to your clients.
- Explore a new paradigm in addiction: healing.
This is not RECOVERY coaching!
Recovery coaching helps clients who are in a 12-step or other program for addiction, usually involving abstinence or complete avoidance of a substance.
Recovery coaching isn’t right for many clients.
I coach people for whom these programs do not work and, chances are, you do too.
Behavior addiction is different than substance addiction:
For instance, food addiction is not about abstaining from food.
It’s a behavior addiction.
Clients may be addicted to defensiveness, drama, fear, passivity, or a wide range of negative thought patterns.
Developing your awareness around addictive patterns will deepen your awareness and make you a better coach.

- Pat Barone, CPCC, BCC, MCC
Every year, I teach more and more people how to empower themselves towards better health and permanent weight loss. I use my own experience of attaining permanent weight loss, as well as my professional training as a personal trainer, weight loss consultant, professional credentialed master coach and soul awareness healer.
In over a dozen years of coaching experience, I’ve coached a wide range of addictions: food, sex, alcohol, drug use, debting, drama…
Healing an addiction is not about fighting, winning or losing; it is about release.
It’s not about willpower; it is about empowerment.
It’s not about attack; it is about accessing our deepest sustaining energy.
Healing is not about controlling what is outside us;
it’s about what’s inside, waiting to be accessed and expressed.
What You Get in the Coaching Addiction Course:
Twenty-six weeks of Dynamic Programming with Pat:
This program has been submitted to ICF for 30 CCEUs (approval pending).
- A 1-1/2 hour teleseminar every week for 26 weeks.
- Begins February 5, 2014!
Learn material available nowhere else!
Be challenged!
Step into a new level of knowledge and mastery!
This Six-Month Learning Experience is only $1999!
Sign up before Jan 10 and save $300 with earlybird pricing – only $1699.
- This January 10th deadline allows you to use your business tax deduction in 2013 or 2014.
- You can also access three-payment plan with payments due Jan. 10, Feb. 10 and March 10.)
Sign up now!
Why I Designed this Program:
For over a decade, I’ve been helping new coaches establish their businesses. Invariably, we spend time on themes around addiction when they get stuck and feel insecure in their coaching skills around an addictive theme.
Ever feel like this?
I’m also an ICF-approved mentor coach and have mentored over one hundred coaches through the ICF credentialing process. Again, I have noticed key issues in the coaching I have supervised: avoided subjects; failure of the coach to address uncomfortable issues; lack of awareness of client’s addictive tendencies; and building frustration for the coach who means well but doesn’t have the skillset to address what’s really going on with the client.
Addiction may not show up right away, and it may not render your client ineffective or unable to work, love and live. However, it can erode and degrade their ability to live FULLY.
And, eventually, it may be what’s STOPPING your client from achieving their dreams. A wide range of addictive behavior can go undetected if you are unaware.
One thing is repeatedly verified by research: The most skilled coaches use a much wider repertoire of interactions than those who are less skilled.
One thing I’ve learned as I experienced my own addiction and healed it: The range of addictive behavior is much wider than most people realize, and it costs the client years of wasted effort and struggle. A great coach allows his/her client to increase their awareness, so they can address what is blocking their efforts.
One thing I know you want: Every coach I’ve met wants to be a better coach, to increase their effectiveness and get MORE for their clients.
Let’s get that for you!
Become a Warrior Coach: Coaching Addiction
with America’s Weight Loss Catalyst, Pat Barone, MCC
Prepare to renew your ICF credential
with continuing education credits!
Deepen your skills and understanding
of one of the most prevalent coping mechanism clients use!
Become a coach who delivers more value!
Sign up today!

Contact info:
Pat Barone, CPCC, BCC, MCC
Catalyst Coaching LLC