Independence from Food

In the U.S., it’s Independence Day! Is today the day you will declare your independence from using food in any way that does not serve your body well?

Create Some Fireworks in Your Life!

Create Some Fireworks in Your Life!

In our food-driven society, we use food for a myriad of reasons that have nothing to do with hunger or physical need.

Just a few of the very common food excuses:

emotional soothing, avoidance, distraction, procrastination, mood eating (NOT the same as emotional eating – if you don’t understand the difference, take this class), balance eating, social lubrication, entertainment, environmental eating, and even for acknowledgment.

But excess eating does more than make fat on our bodies. It muddies the mental clarity needed to make smooth and clean decisions in life. It confuses our sense of what is truly nourishing. It clogs the body, causing it to overwork and become toxic. Did you know eating fast food for 21 days can create a liver very similar to a 20-year alcoholic?

After struggling with food addiction for 20 years (and moving past it!), I can also attest to the psychic and spiritual suffering caused by excess eating. Our spirits need nurturing and connection. When we focus on food, that consumes our attention and we gradually lose touch with ourselves and our real needs. That’s one of the reasons losing 80 lbs has been so meaningful for me – the journey helped me to reconnect to my true self.

The freedom of living independent from overeating is an amazing experience:

1. It’s open and full of opportunities to take positive action.
2. Choices are king, and it’s easier to take responsibility for every one of them.
3. No regrets!

So, on this 4th of July, make a positive declaration of independence!

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4 Responses to Independence from Food

  1. Cheryl S. says:

    Good thoughts here. What you talk about here can be quite difficult for so many, but definitely worth the effort and completely doable. I think it just takes wanting something more than food, recognizing unhappiness and doing something about it.

    • Pat Barone says:

      Good point that it can be difficult. I like to help people identify the “mental leap” they are making that says they can’t do it. For instance, one person might actually find, inside their mind, they are saying “I can’t live without food.” Which is true! And the mind recognizes this is true! A double bind when you want to change. But what the mind is actually saying is “I can’t live without food as a numbing agent.” When clients actually leave food behind, I’ve never found one who fell apart and broke into little pieces without food as a numbing agent. But we are always conditioning ourselves into believing false ideas! Thanks for your comment!

  2. Hanna says:

    I like this analogy, Pat – and when the fireworks go off – “BOOM” – that help you realize that you can drop the addiction, it is true freedom!

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