Is the Real Cost of Excess Weight Diminished Intelligence?

(Regarding The New York Times article “The Mental Strain of Making Do With Less.”)

I spoke on NBC15 news last week about persistent problems that threaten our daily intelligence – the inspiration for this segment was an article published in The New York Times, entitled “The Mental Strain of Making Do With Less.”


What happens when we have an issue, problem or condition that constantly takes up a good deal of our available “bandwidth” – the energy, attention, focus, emotionality, and thought processes that go on beneath the surface?

We actually have less capacity to handle the important things in life: Career, relationships, environment, meaningful connection, pleasurable pursuits, and personal fulfillment.

These often unexplored topics are where we feel scarcity in our lives, or where we feel ourselves lacking, like esteem, intelligence, money, weight. And what do we create when we run the energy of scarcity in our lives?

More scarcity (a/k/a NO RESULTS).

Weight is often that “elephant in the room” that we don’t openly discuss or solve, but which costs us untold amounts of money, energy and esteem.  Unsuccessful dieting (99% of all dieting) and struggle are part of running a food focused life.  The cost of being food focused is enormous.

Don’t Underestimate the Cost

When potential clients balk at paying for my coaching, I rarely take that excuse seriously… I know they are spending much, much more than the cost of coaching (or the enLIGHTen Your Life! Mastermind Course for Permanent Weight Loss) on waves of new clothes in bigger sizes, fads, supplements, or other excuses which help them put real, meaningful change on the back burner until next week or next month or next year.

In addition to money, we pay with even bigger commodities:  Esteem. Confidence. Even our belief in ourselves.

Let’s face it, we all need to believe in ourselves.

And, are we actually DUMBING ourselves down by devoting valuable bandwidth to what we consider lacking in our lives:  health, weight, money, love, esteem, intimacy, prestige, attention, etc.?

Literally anything we see as being scarce in our lives becomes a vast energy drain.

This doesn’t just prevent resolution of that condition, issue or problem, it drains life of joy, pleasure and true ownership. Since we are constantly fighting the problem in our minds (or counting calories, judging food intake, doling out blame and shame when we overeat), we actually lose the capacity to make the meaningful changes that will solve the problem once and for all.

Naomi Wolf said it best when she said men and women will never be equal until women stop dieting:

“Dieting is the most potent political sedative in women’s history;
a quietly mad population is a tractable one.”

It boils down to this: Get involved in the struggle and you’ll never reach your potential.

I had to tackle that issue of bandwidth when I lost 92 pounds. I was spending untold amounts of energy hating my reflection in the mirror each morning, struggling to find something suitable to wear that didn’t remind me of a pup tent, worrying about how I looked professionally, and wondering if others equated my fat to other unwanted states of mind: lazy, incompetent, unintelligent, unaware.

From my experience, and years of professional development, I’ve developed a very specific approach to permanent weight loss that is straightforward and yet comprehensive.

There’s not another program like it in the world. It targets every area of a human being that affects weight: physical, mental, emotional, spiritual.

It lifts you out of struggle (which only promotes low level energy) and into positivity, proactivity and personal responsibility.

As my clients strip away fat and struggle, their bandwidth expands exponentially.  Suddenly, they are doing things that were once unfulfilled dreams.  They grow into people who naturally create health and fitness.

Ah!  So much better than struggle!

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