Your Results
Based on your answers, you know what it’s like to be trapped in diet mentality: You make great efforts to diet and then, when life interferes, or boredom occurs, or the body craves forbidden foods, you break the diet. This leads to feeling guilty and making excuses. Worse of all, you may even hear yourself saying terrible things to yourself, things that harm your confidence and esteem.
It’s time to break out of diet mentality and regain your personal power so you can achieve a healthy weight. Here are some tools:
Will you be one of the 6-10 eager, intelligent people that I hand-pick to join my 45-week permanent weight loss program? It's a big commitment yet you won't be the same afterward.
Permanent Weight Loss can be easy when you understand The Truth About Permanent Weight Loss. 9-CD set or instant download.

Excess weight is created by over-reliance on food – we often use food as caretaker, parent, therapist, mood-elevator, motivator, punisher, etc. Losing weight permanently requires...
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- Confused? Most people are. All this is diet advice from the perspective of what I call Diet Mentality. Based in fea… 10:36:02 AM March 29, 2019 ReplyRetweetFavorite
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- Take a look! Wisdom! 04:07:46 PM January 06, 2019 ReplyRetweetFavorite