Secrets and Lies - and Knowing the Truth

The more I study the obesity epidemic, the more I am convinced we are an overweight nation (and growing more so) because we do not know or practice the truth.

Look at our politicians.
Look at our television programs.
And advertising.



It’s so easy to bend the foul pole.

It’s even easier to blame the other guy or gal.

And to pretend.

When I embarked on my quest to lose weight (I lost 74 lbs. and it has not returned for 11 years), I learned these truths while researching weight loss in real scientific environments and the medical school library – not in the media:

1. Losing weight does not equal success. Losing fat equals success. Any idiot can restrict calories and see the scale go down. I was an idiot doing that for 20 years. That weight loss is just water, or maybe some of your very valuable muscle, organ or connective tissue. Like I said, “idiot.”

2. Losing fat is a VERY slow process and it’s SLOWER if you’ve dieted a lot in life, like I had.

3. If we lose weight fast, it returns faster than Vin Diesel’s turbocharged sports car in that new bank heist-car movie. I hope you’ve never had this happen to you. Believe me, it’s a helpless victim feeling when weight comes rushing in like a runaway freight train with you on the rail; all misguided ideas of control are instantly obliterated by the iron will of those starving fat cells.

4. No device, supplement or commercial program can change your metabolic rate, even if they claim they can. They LIE. The entire diet industry LIES to make money. “The Biggest Loser” LIES and makes a lot of money doing so.

5. 99% of people who lose more than 20 lbs regain it within 2 years. This is TEMPORARY WEIGHT LOSS. 99% of what you see in the world is TEMPORARY WEIGHT LOSS.

6. The diet industry won’t promote permanent weight loss (even if they pretend they do) because it’s messy, complicated, takes time and doesn’t make money fast.
If you see incredible headlines – “lose 5 pounds a week”, or “lose 30 pounds this month”, etc., look the other way.

Imagine the silence if we only promoted, advertised and wrote stories about PERMANENT WEIGHT LOSS!

Imagine the integrity!

There would be no one on the cover of all those glossy women’s magazines saying we should all be a certain size.

A hush would fall – over the fitness industry!

Now, for the SECRET:

Anybody can achieve permanent weight loss. If I can, I know you can. Because, remember, I’m one of those idiots that believed what I read (and practiced it) for years.

You only need two things to achieve permanent weight loss:

1. willingness
2. patience

Be willing to really change your habits. Be patient with your body.

That is all.

When we buy diet industry drivel, we empower them to make more money while we destroy our metabolisms and give away our bodies’ future weight loss flexibility. And that means we are dis-empowering ourselves in the future.

7 Responses to Secrets and Lies – and Knowing the Truth

  1. with all that said and done…. patience with your body is the most profound I have heard or read in a long time

    • Pat Barone says:

      I found that the every body releases weight a little differently. We have no hope of being successful long term without patience. The body isn’t a machine to be fixed or tinkered with, it’s a living, survival-driven home we live in. Wishing you patience, Jules!

  2. Bonnie says:


    Great article and very clear and a great reminder. Patience and willingness are very key to my success. I would add commitment & dedication to your secret. I have been on a weight loss journey for years like everybody else, losing and gaining back the weight, as I was not patient with myself. I appreciate that you stress being patient with me, losing weight slowly and being willing. I know that your program will enable me to keep my weight off for many years to come and live a healthier lifestyle from the inside out.

    • Pat Barone says:

      It’s amazing to see how you have grown and changed, Bonnie! That’s what has allowed you to release your weight in perfect timing for your body. When you can work WITH your unique body, you approach wisdom. Thanks for taking me on your journey!

  3. Allie says:

    I love what you say about “you can do it” since you have done it. I want permanent weight loss, Pat.

    • Pat Barone says:

      I know you do, Allie, and you can have it. I hope this blog and the website help you get off the diet merry-go-round and make some changes that give long-term results.

  4. Great article and very clear and a great reminder. Patience and willingness are very key to my success. I would add commitment & dedication to your secret. I have been on a weight loss journey for years like everybody else, losing and gaining back the weight, as I was not patient with myself. I appreciate that you stress being patient with me, losing weight slowly and being willing. I know that your program will enable me to keep my weight off for many years to come and live a healthier lifestyle from the inside out.

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