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Today, our culture is big on doing.

It’s also big on measuring, judging, denying and overindulging.

Research shows the incredible rate of weight regain after a diet resulting in a 30-lb. loss to be 97-99%.

Doctors are so desperate to make change, the American Medical Association has reclassified obesity as a disease, so they can justify highly invasive and expensive weight loss surgery which, by the way, causes complete regain in between 66-78% of patients, depending on the statistics you read.


Despite extremes taken to lose weight:

1. Via exercise:  injury ends roughly 65% of weight loss efforts made with exercise, usually because exercisers are going beyond their fitness levels to excessive amounts of exercise.

2. Via fad dieting:  look at cleanses – can you think of a more ridiculous idea ever suggested to a food addict, that they simply and suddenly STOP eating?


That’s because losing weight is not a DOING thing.  Witness the things we DO:

  • We adopt our employers’ idea of how much we should overwork and overstress.
  • We overfill our schedules when every sane person knows they should only book 60% of the calendar because STUFF HAPPENS.
  • We think we are more valuable or important when drama reigns in our lives, driving excessive eating, drinking and drugging.
  • We take prescription drugs instead of addressing WHY we are anxious, depressed or overweight.

So, losing weight isn’t about food, or calories, or the gym.

It’s about WHO you are BEING in your life.

Whether you’re being what (you think) society expects you to be, or being the important big wig at work, or even being the subdued wallflower who never voices her needs because she doesn’t want to bother anyone, or using all your precious energy taking care of everyone else… it’s the state of BEING that needs addressing.

  • Living truthfully about your needs means you don’t choke them down with a donut.
  • Expressing emotions clearly and truthfully means you don’t medicate them with a box of cookies.
  • Refusing to hide or pretend is a positive fat melter.

It’s time to stop DOING and start BEING thin.