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I’ve noticed a trend in the experience of my clients as they lose weight permanently.  Many of them experience fewer cravings, faster weight loss and are more in touch with their hunger and their bodies when they do not snack.

What?  Doesn’t that go against common diet advice?

Yes, it does.

But my own permanent weight loss of close to 90 lbs. was accomplished by breaking just about every rule touted by “diet world.”  I don’t put much stock in “rules”, especially when so little of the weight loss from those rules results in long-term change.

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Thanks for all the comments to the “Sick & Tired of ‘Food Decisions?'” post! Emails and tweets abounded. It was great to hear from you!

The quest for permanent weight loss MUST eventually become non-diet weight loss. Our willpower sooner or later deserts us. In fact, willpower was not equipped for long-range quests. In other words, diets have to morph into intelligent, sustainable lifestyles in order for the change to last. Diet mentality, on the other hand, has us yo-yo-ing our weight and repeatedly coming back for more dieting.

Feeding the body when it is not hungry builds more fat.

Feeding the body when it is not hungry builds more fat.

Many of the themes I heard from reader responses were from diet mentality and clearly centered on controlling food or controlling behavior with food, rather than focused on real needs. Let’s have a look:

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Here in Madison, WI, we’re experiencing the winter’s first big snow. Imagine my surprise when I was driving through the near white-out conditions and noticed a woman standing outside an office building, without a coat, casually smoking a cigarette.


“Wow!” I thought. She must really need that cigarette!” It was so interesting to see her complete lack of embarrassment as she demonstrated her addiction in spite of the frozen conditions.

My addiction was always food. I thought, “Would I stand in the snow to eat a brownie if you couldn’t eat them indoors?”

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