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If you’ve read my newsletter or this blog for very long, you know there are several instances where the so-called “weight loss experts” and I disagree.

One is the question of divulging goals. Just about every weight loss program, diet book or advice column will tell you to shout your goal from the rooftop.

But, when it came time to really (I mean REALLY) lose the excess weight for good, I didn’t tell a soul. It just didn’t seem necessary. I knew what I had to do. I knew no one could “get it” like it felt inside me. And I’d been sabotaged many times by supposed friends and family members.

So, I loved seeing this video:

Many of the clients who come to me for permanent weight loss coaching don’t talk much with others about their goals either. They’ve gotten serious enough to hire a coach, so they are truly committed. They are sometimes surprised they haven’t been running around telling people about this step in their life. They usually don’t feel the need to binge before coming to their first coaching call either, and that sometimes surprises them too!

But what is telling the whole world supposed to do actually? Invite the world to measure and judge us by our body weight? Shame us when we fail? Or simply open ourselves up to needless comments and interference?

When it’s for real, and it’s about true lifestyle change, I don’t think telling is helpful. At that point, the time for talk is over. It’s time to do.

What could we accomplish if we didn’t struggle with fat, diets, calories and food?

Isn’t it just a little convenient that we’re too tied up worrying about fitting into our jeans to wonder what Congress is sneaking into that healthcare bill?

Isn’t it convenient that we’re so worried about keeping our jobs that we bend over backwards to please the man at work and, as a result, try to eat stress away?


Once, I heard a Human Resources vice president say, “If you want someone to work their ass off for you, hire a fat woman….”

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I’m often asked this question as my year-long weight loss group class ends:

“Will I be able to maintain weight loss permanently?”

I compare this to driving. (I love to drive. Damned good at it too. Driving is awesome.)

Remember when you first learned to drive? It was kind of hard! There were all kinds of things to remember inside the car. The gear shift, the pedals, the windshield wipers, the turn signals. Then, outside the car, there were other cars, bikes, signals, signs, turn lanes, and (eeeek!) people. And (double eeeeek!) people doing stupid things like crossing on a “don’t walk” signal.

It was a lot to maneuver and coordinate.

How's your driving?

How's your driving?

Now, what is it like to drive now?

Do you even think about it?

Do you panic when you miss a turn? Do you freak when you get near the center line or the edge of your lane?

No, you simply CORRECT and keep moving.

In fact, most corrections on the road require only a tiny 1/16th move of the steering wheel. We do it completely unconsciously and we do it continually or we’d be running off the road ALL THE TIME!

That’s what happens with weight loss

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You hear a lot about “lifestyle change” today. In fact, most diets call themselves a “lifestyle change”, even Weight Watchers.

I guess it makes customers THINK they’re doing the big job, not the little (short-term) one.

My favorite “lifestyle change” quote was a friend on Phen-Fen who had lost a lot of weight. As she ordered lasagna and whipped four packets of sugar into her tea, she proclaimed “It’s not a diet! It’s a lifestyle change! I feel so different!”

Well, with real change you don’t “feel different”, you ARE different.

Diets Force Hard Choices

Don’t be fooled. My friend’s sad truth is that

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I’m all about living consciously – making decisions with full attention to the moment I’m living in, as well as the way that moment is connected to the future.

When I finally saw the connection between my momentary urges for foodication (medicating through food) and the ultimate result in my body, I changed my weight permanently.

I’m focused on a lifestyle that ends the lease on weight loss and OWNS it instead. I emphasize making my own decisions instead of going with the crowd. I don’t like being a “sheeple.”

I’m convinced accepting the norm, programmed by the media, advertising and fashion industries, means lots of excess weight and fat in our lives.

Soda Consumption is Directly Connected to U.S. Obesity Epidemic

Soda Consumption is Directly Connected to U.S. Obesity Epidemic

Case in Point: McDonald’s new Sweet Iced Tea commercial where the woman has been sipping tea so long, she’s developed a tan line across her chin.


My first reaction was: “that’s the stupidest commercial I ever saw!”

No one would drink that much, right?


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In the 16th century, people believed their kings were chosen by god, and were not fully human.

In the 17th and 18th century, people thought cancer was a curse from god for evil thoughts and was contagious.

In the 20th century, people believed diets cured excess weight.

Every one of these beliefs robbed human beings of their natural power in life. And, in every case, science proved these beliefs untrue and noted that the belief prevented proper treatment.

Permanent Weight Loss Requires a New Solution

Permanent Weight Loss Requires a New Solution

No one can blame us for what we didn’t know then. But, now we know.

In 1996, I knew something was wrong with my previous approach to weight loss. I knew because the weight just kept coming back every time I lost weight (and it always brought an extra 10 lbs with it!).

My doctor gave me the hard science.

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Here in the U.S., we’ve just celebrated Independence Day. Freedom of thought and speech are huge cornerstones of our country’s government, but do we really use those freedoms?

Thinking for ourselves is so important… after all, we are people, not sheeple! Although I mindlessly followed the crowd of yo-yo dieters, procrastinators and the denial-prone for many years, I realized it forced me into a decidedly unexciting existence: overworking, never complaining, stressed and unhealthy. Uncle Sam might have been happy, my boss was happy, my doctor was happy as I marched with my little white prescription to the pharmacy… but I was not.

We are people, not sheeple!

We are people, not sheeple!

Huge amounts of money are spent every day in an attempt to get us to think one way or another.

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I love this quote by Bill Gates:

“If I’d had some set idea of a finish line, don’t you think I would have crossed it years ago?”

I differ from many weight loss experts since I’ve accomplished permanent weight loss. I learned my lessons down in the trenches, instead of in a book, and my experiences smashed many of the widely accepted tenets of weight loss.


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