Following Body Cues for Eating Enjoyment AND Weight Loss

As I maintained my own weight loss of 90+ lbs, I became more and more attuned to my body, following body cues for hunger and satiation. My clients in my enLIGHTen Your Life! Mastermind Course for Permanent Weight Loss learn to follow body cues to truly nourish their bodies.


It may sound simple, but it’s not that easy!

After all, our culture encourages us to eat fast, eat fat and eat again when we don’t have sustainable energy.

How does your plate look when you are following the body cues, eating only when hungry, and stopping when satiated?

Plate2plate3Here are a few examples.

And you should end every meal with a different amount of food left on your plate.


Because that’s evidence you are truly stopping upon satiation, not another common cue – the plate being empty.

How does it feel when you leave food on the plate?

If it feels powerful, you’re in the zone! You’re out of diet mentality and naturally enjoying food.

If your mind spins into “wasted food” and “need to eat” or if you feel emotions like regret, neglect, scarcity (“I didn’t eat enough food” or “What if I’m hungry later?”), there’s work to be done.

If you’ve eaten just enough food to feel the satiation cue in your body, you are being responsive to your body’s needs by choosing conscious eating and mindful eating.

If you consistently eat past the satiation cue, the body makes fat and you wind up with excess weight. It’s that simple.

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