Body as Fat-Making Machine

Non-Diet Weight Loss Tip #13

Quite often, clients tell me their bodies have gone beserk and are putting on fat at an alarming rate.


Well, yes and no. The body is NOT a fat-making machine.

When assaulted by poor eating habits, excessive dieting, fasts and cleanses, or any other fad… it seeks to regain balance.

When weight is lost, the body doesn’t know if its owner is trying to harm it or if the potato famine has revisited earth.

It puts fat back as soon as possible. In other words, the body is only a fat-making machine when we PROGRAM it to be one.

If the body has been abused, consciously or unconsciously, it needs to be reprogrammed and nurtured. (Find out how I do this here.)

One of the key things I learned in my own quest for permanent weight loss is the body is the home from which we create our lives.

Everything it does is trying to save life and find balance.

It is a life PRESERVER.

Hang on tight!

Instead of threatening it with diets, deprivation and harsh exercise, try kindness.

Try love.

Feed it in a healthy manner for a week and see how it responds.

Talk to it. Let it talk to you.

Thank it every day for all it does. Turn it into your best friend.

If you aren’t hearing the conversation between your self and your body, it’s likely a negative one coming from the unconscious.

It takes awareness to create a loving relationship, and there is no more important relationship than the one between you and your body.

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