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This Thanksgiving week, I feel especially grateful for my health and happiness.

Often, when I’m giving a speech or presenting a workshop, I make this statement:

“Today, I’m grateful I struggled with excess weight for thirty years.”


It seems I always have at least half an audience who become incredulous at that statement, but, now that I’m on the other side of struggle, it’s quite easy to see the life lessons I learned on my way to success:

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You are actively pursuing weight loss.  You feel great about your efforts, which have led to noticeable results.  But, on the way to meet a friend for lunch, you begin to get a niggling feeling in your belly.  Something’s bothering you, but you don’t know what.  As soon as your friend settles in the car, the first words out of her mouth remind you why you were apprehensive.

“Please don’t tell me you want to go somewhere boring and diet-y again.  Olive Vine has all-you-can-eat pasta bowl at lunch!”

friends lose weightHow do you react?

This is a common situation for people making change.  It can cause your mind to go into overdrive.

You might:

1. begin to make excuses for her

2. remind yourself she’s your best friend

3. pretend you didn’t notice the negativity and judgment dripping in her voice

4. go along to “Olive Vine” and valiently fight to order something that doesn’t lead directly to a nap

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Today, our culture is big on doing.

It’s also big on measuring, judging, denying and overindulging.

Research shows the incredible rate of weight regain after a diet resulting in a 30-lb. loss to be 97-99%.

Doctors are so desperate to make change, the American Medical Association has reclassified obesity as a disease, so they can justify highly invasive and expensive weight loss surgery which, by the way, causes complete regain in between 66-78% of patients, depending on the statistics you read.


Despite extremes taken to lose weight:

1. Via exercise:  injury ends roughly 65% of weight loss efforts made with exercise, usually because exercisers are going beyond their fitness levels to excessive amounts of exercise.

2. Via fad dieting:  look at cleanses – can you think of a more ridiculous idea ever suggested to a food addict, that they simply and suddenly STOP eating?


That’s because losing weight is not a DOING thing.  Witness the things we DO:

  • We adopt our employers’ idea of how much we should overwork and overstress.
  • We overfill our schedules when every sane person knows they should only book 60% of the calendar because STUFF HAPPENS.
  • We think we are more valuable or important when drama reigns in our lives, driving excessive eating, drinking and drugging.
  • We take prescription drugs instead of addressing WHY we are anxious, depressed or overweight.

So, losing weight isn’t about food, or calories, or the gym.

It’s about WHO you are BEING in your life.

Whether you’re being what (you think) society expects you to be, or being the important big wig at work, or even being the subdued wallflower who never voices her needs because she doesn’t want to bother anyone, or using all your precious energy taking care of everyone else… it’s the state of BEING that needs addressing.

  • Living truthfully about your needs means you don’t choke them down with a donut.
  • Expressing emotions clearly and truthfully means you don’t medicate them with a box of cookies.
  • Refusing to hide or pretend is a positive fat melter.

It’s time to stop DOING and start BEING thin.


I cringe when I see her tiny hard body.  I’m filled with disgust for her negative influence.  She may be unaware, but she has many robotic ambassadors roaming the world in influential places – movies, media, fashion, music.

And she’s at it again.  She’s a perpetual iconic figure who continues to regenerate, and live in our brains, and make us very fat.

I’m talking about Barbie.

The doll.

Yes, the doll.

Here’s the latest Barbie to hit the market, ripe for holiday buying by moms, dads, aunts, uncles, cousins and substitute Santas everywhere.

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Someone just asked me what I thought about the Rachael Ray ads for the miracle weight loss product that burns fat.

My response: “It’s always nice to see rich people making millions off water loss.” @@ (rolling my eyes).



Haven’t we had enough of celebrity dieters and supplement hawkers?

I’ve seen this same ad for over forty years. Just a new name and a new audience of suckers.

Products like this can’t address why you overeat, binge or food addictions.  Products can’t address that overwhelming need for food you feel in your body, that compulsion that drives eating behavior.

Nothing can cause your body to burn fat without exercise or change in food intake. In fact, if you were burning fat at the rate they claim you’ll see weight loss, your body would shut right down to protect itself.

If you want to learn the facts about how permanent weight loss occurs, and how to support yourself mentally, emotionally and spiritually, check out my new class starting in October:  enLIGHTen Your Life!

Because knowledge is empowering!

Making celebrity dieters rich is not.

I grew up in a cranky Southern female family that emphasized looks over achievement, the perfect body over brains, style over substance.  I was ninja trained in the black arts of judgment, comparison and self-hatred by a mother who could eviscerate the toughest-skinned cowgirl with an evil look or a few words.  In the face of unbearable beauty, her final clawing words were:

“Yeah, she’s pretty, but she knows it, so that cancels it right out.”

It wasn’t easy knowing you’d never be good enough, and, if you did have the luck to grow up pretty, you couldn’t even enjoy that knowledge without the dreaded cancellation effect occurring.

Talk about a lose-lose situation!


I was only ten when she put me on my first diet.  Even though I wasn’t fat, there was fear I would be… because she was fat.  Mama taught me to closet eat and to use food for every possible doubt, fear, delay or frustration.  She also taught me to diet with a vengeance after days, weeks or months of channeling the power of food into bodyfat.

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I was once fat.  Many people prefer another word but I like “Fat” and, since it was mine, I figure I get to call it any name I want.

In the year 1996, I weighed 242 lbs.! That’s quite a bit of fat, no matter what you like to call it. Like most people, I wasn’t fond of my fat. I desperately wanted to change it, and I had tried for over 20 years to solve fat. My first diet was at age 10. And, when you try to solve something for 20+ years, and aren’t successful, you get pretty pessimistic about the whole damned project.


The way I saw it, Fat got in the way of finding a career I loved. It got in the way of relationships. It affected how I felt about myself.

And, by 1996, I was seeing it pretty much as UNSOLVE-ABLE!

This wasn’t just an obstacle – it was the biggest obstacle of all time in my eyes. No matter what I had tried, and I had tried every diet, intervention and exercise modality known to wo/man,  the excess weight always came back.

Like a stalker!

Like it had FAT GPS!

And I thought I was the only one in the world who had this problem!

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2012 is drawing to a close!  It’s time for my annual contest where YOU guess how many exercise sessions I completed this year.  The winner will receive a set of Catalyst products, including workbooks and CD audio classes worth more than $500, to illuminate your permanent weight loss journey!

For anyone who’s new to this blog, I’m a proponent of non-diet, permanent weight loss through true lifestyle change.

Diets are temporary ways to eat with endless mind games and emphasize willpower.   True lifestyle change addresses the deeper need for food and lasts forever.  My twenty-year struggle taught me to deal with the deeper needs in life, so those deeper needs don’t sabotage healthy efforts.

My Approach to Exercise or Activity

I don’t use fancy apps to track my exercise and I’ve lost over 90 pounds without counting a calorie.  I know a calorie is not a calorie when it comes to fuel for the body.  If you don’t understand the calorie game, get my audio class called “The Hard Cold Truth About Permanent Weight Loss” NOW!)

Here’s my “foolproof” recording method:

Yep, that’s 12 sheets of paper, calendar style, for 2013!  It works because the physical act of recording, with a pen, is magical in terms of claiming your work.  And you never have to worry about losing it via a computer problem.  I have years of these calendars.  It’s an instant reference when I need to remember how far I’ve come, or what I was doing that year I lost 20 lbs., or whatever.

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