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Sending a son off to college is a challenge.  I expected that.

You expect emotional impact on your “momself.”  The cost is astonishing!  Then, there’s the uphill climb through amazing hills of paperwork, applications for everything from residence halls to scholarships to individual study programs.

What I never expected was the guilt-evoking barrage of sales packages, all suggesting ways to spend money to alleviate the “momguilt” of sending junior from his childhood home into the big, bad world.

Get this one, which arrived today:

After a long lead-in about how lonely and bereft DS would be at the big/intimidating university,  and the assurance that the big/intimidating university will be doing their part to help the student assimilate, I am reminded that most students don’t get enough encouragement from home!


However, in our foodcentric and food focused society, there is really only ONE answer!


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