Redefining Selfish - Perspectives for Permanent Weight Loss

In today’s world, women are stressed, exhausted and waaaaayyyyy too busy.  Is it any surprise excess weight is the result?

When stress hormones run rampant within the body, the addrenal glands are overworked, affecting every gland and organ in the body… and the body is not able to efficiently deal with the toxicity created… fatigue and fat are natural results.

It’s time for a different perspective, especially if you want permanent weight loss.


Is this how you gather strength…





so you can take care of everyone else?


In the last forty years, women have made tremendous advances in the world, busting down boundaries, raising the glass ceiling, taking more responsibility and wielding more power – and don’t misunderstand me – those are all tremendous accomplishments.

But, there’s a problem.

While adding huge workloads, incredible stress and large learning curves to already busy lives, women have NOT dropped off many of their traditional responsibilities.

In the quest to have it all, women GOT it all – all the career stress, financial responsibility, shopping and supply duty, household maintenance, purchasing agent and a wild array of parenting duties, which today include chaperoning, chauffeuring, scheduling, social engineering, laundry, education advocate, cheerleader, tutor, leisure design, and travel arrangements.

In fact, with the rise in single parenthood, many women work the equivalent of 4 jobs.

Is it any surprise that the results look like this:

1.  Women have never had higher rates of obesity.

2.  Women’s rate of stroke, stress, high blood pressure, diabetes and heart disease are approaching those of men, when they were traditionally much lower.

3.  Women’s have never rated their unhappiness higher.

4.  Almost 60% of marriages end with divorce and another 30% are rated as unhappy or unfulfilling by women.

Clearly, it’s time to get selfish.

Selfish is rarely promoted as a positive trait to develop.

But selfish isn’t what Grandma Edna thought it was… a virtual crime.

Selfish isn’t what your single and perpetual do-gooder Aunt Betty called it… a sin.

Selfish isn’t the same as self-centered, or egotistical, or narcissistic. It is not a sign that someone is stingy, mean, cruel or ungenerous.

It simply means “turning attention to one’s self.”

It’s not a crime, folks!  In fact, without “selfish”… no one can get the nutrition, exercise, sleep, replenishment and renewal so vitally important to health.

If you don’t turn your attention to your SELF, you DIE.

NO ONE will take care of you, if you don’t.

If you are not selfish, you become a benign doer, constantly taking care of others and depleting yourself, until the time when you can’t help anyone because you are ill.

You can’t help anyone if you are depleted.  And, if you are depleted, it’s too late to help yourself.

The greater good of selfish.

Being selfish increases your power.  By being selfish and building good health, you have MORE time, MORE money, MORE energy, MORE resources, HIGHER capability… so you can actually give more fully to others, when you choose to do so.

And, with a little space for your self, you can find the space to BE.  Time to BE yourself.  Time to experience your breath and  your life force.  We are, after all, human BEINGS, not human DOINGS.


*  Obviously, very small children rely on their parents.  That’s when it’s crucial to be even more diligent about self-care. In our society, it’s not unusual to find parents still doing teenagers’ laundry, and directing late teens in their extracurricular activities.  It’s not even unusual to find adult children living at home, with mom preparing meals and cleaning for their twenty-somethings. Children can be taught to be more reliable and responsible from a much earlier age than currently popular.  And their esteem will correspond to their self-reliance.

2 Responses to Redefining Selfish – Perspectives for Permanent Weight Loss

  1. sonja says:

    During a 2011 television interview, Michelle Obama was asked if she thought it was at all selfish that she has openly admitted to making herself her first priority, to which the First Lady replied, “No, not at all. It’s practical…. a lot of times we just slip pretty low on our own priority list because we’re so busy caring for everyone else. And one of the things that I want to model for my children is investing in themselves as much as they invest in others.”

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