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One of the primary reasons the American woman’s body image is distorted is the virtual lack of REAL role models in our society.

Most of our role models come from the fashion industry and Hollywood films.  If we only viewed French or Italian films, we’d see a wide range of sizes, shapes and ages among the actresses looming on the big screen.  (We’d also see less cookie cutter beauty and much more interesting types of beauty.)

But, time after time, I find myself watching an American movie and wondering “Why does she have to be so thin?”

She looked like this, primarily due to bulimia.

What We’re Comparing Against Example 1: Boomer women are reeling over Jane Fonda’s admission that she was bulimic when she starred in Hollywood films and exercise videos of the 70s.  Nice of her to admit it now, I guess, but millions of women did those stupid videos until they were blue in the face and then beat themselves all the way to the bakery because they didn’t wind up looking like her.

What We’re Comparing Against Example 2: Actresses in two current hit films have admitted using body doubles in their nude scenes.

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